
How to Eat Less Processed Food

Cutting back on processed food is not hard to do, but it does require preparing and cooking the majority of your meals. The benefit of eliminating processed food from your diet is that it would be good for your overall health.

However, I understand for many people that’s not practical. Still, one should at least make an effort to eat less processed food by trying to follow these simple lifestyle changes below.

Eat Less Canned Foods
One way to cut back on processed food is to limit eating canned food. Canned foods are loaded with artificial preservatives, sodium, salt, sugar, and most canned food are lined with a chemical building block called Bisphenol A (BPA), which has come under intense scrutiny in recent years because it mimics human hormones and it is categorized as an endocrine disruptor.

As an alternative, increase your intake of foods that are fresh and natural like fruits and vegetables, and try shopping for your food...Read More!


How to Bring Up Your GPA

Having trouble maintaing your GPA in college? Here are a few tips on how to bring up your GPA where worrying about getting poor grades or failing out of school will become a thing of the past.

Step 1
When selecting classes for a college semester, make sure to take the necessary classes you need for your major. Then for your electives, choose some fun classes that you will enjoy, sound fairly easy, and know for certain you can get an A without much difficulty like martial arts, dance classes, beginning photography, or intro to theater.

Just be mindful of the number of units for each class because you don't want to make the mistake of being short credit units in order to qualify for part-time or full-time student status (i.e. don't take too many 1.00 unit classes).

Step 2
Another way how to bring up your GPA in college is to choose a minor where you can take classes focusing on your strong points.

For example, if you like to write and are good at it, choose classes with topics of interest where you only write papers. Likewise, if you are great at math and love it, take a few math classes that are appropriate for your level.

Although helpful, minors don't have to correlate with your major. Instead, choose a field of study that interests you and are confident that you can do well in.

Step 3
If you got an A in a class taught by a professor from a previous semester, take another class with that same professor, but within the same subject matter. Professors tend to favor past A students!

Step 4
Whenever you get a class syllabus, read over the criteria for how you can get an A in the class. If it's not listed, ask the professor how one can get an A.

To add, make sure to pay special attention to class attendance and lateness on the syllabus. Some professors will mark students as absent after being 15-20 minutes late to class or drop a whole letter grade after missing 3 classes.

Also, ask if there are any pop quizzes in the class. Some professors won't count quizzes towards your grade, but just in case, you'll want to be prepared for any surprises. If pop quizzes do count and are hurting your grade, ask if there's any extra credit that can be turned in to bring up your grade.

Step 5
Participate, participate, participate and go to class!!! Professors quickly know the slackers from the hard workers and they know who is doing the coarse material and who is not.

Step 6
Always turn assignments in on time. Many professors will drop a letter grade for each day a paper or assignment is turned in late. If you have a bad habit of not completing your assignments by the due dates, this will definitely hurt your chances of bringing up your GPA and receiving A's.

To add, don't miss exams unless properly excused by the professor. If you do miss an exam without a valid excuse, your professor may not let you make it up. If this happens, you will receive an F for the exam and will have no chance of getting an A in the class.

Step 7
Try your best to get an A- or an A on all your assignments, papers, and exams. If you get a few a B's here and there, you can still get an A.

Here is where attendance and class participation really kicks in to help you!

Also, after about 1-2 papers or exams, check in with your professor to see how you are doing in the class. This will give you an idea if you are on track for getting an A or a lower grade.

Step 8
Get to know your college professor and be sure the professor knows your first name. If it's one of those classes with a huge lecture hall, make it a point to say "hello" to your professor during each class.

To add, if you are having trouble understanding the class material, this is an excellent time to visit your professor during office hours and ask questions about the day's lesson. Your professor will be more than happy to assist you because ideally, they want to give all their students A's!

More Tips

·  Treat home assignments and exams seriously and mark due dates on your calendar

·  If you slip up on a test, get the right answers to questions you got wrong. They will most likely pop up on the final.

·  If you are not good at test taking, after each class study the day's notes for 20-30 minutes.

·  When studying for exams, re-write your notes over and over again so it can be committed to memory. Study groups are also great for testing each other.

·  Never take more classes than you can handle if you are trying to bring up your GPA.

·  Pay special attention to grading points for papers and exams, especially final exams.

·  If you get a bad grade on a paper or a test, immediately ask the professor how you can do better the next time and get help (i.e. a tutor)

·  DON'T EVER CHEAT! Cheating and getting caught could get you kicked out of class and maybe even college. At the very least, your professor won't grant you any special favors when it comes time for handing out final grades.


How To Find an Apartment to Rent

Don't let looking for an apartment stress you out. Follow these simple tips below and you will find an apartment in no time!

Ask Family and Friends

Your family and friends can be a great resource to use to help you find an apartment to rent. They may live in a building that has several vacancies or they may have seen signs for a house to rent in their neighborhood. If you want to get the word out quicker that you are looking for an apartment...

(read more!)


How to Prevent Iron Supplement Side Effects like Constipation

If you have a deficiency in iron and your doctor advises you to take iron pills, you may notice that one of the side effects to iron supplements is constipation. If you are experiencing this problem and looking for a cure, these instructions below should help.

Step 1

If you are taking iron pills and are suffering from constipation, you might want to try buying chelated iron supplements. Chelated iron supplements are much easier for your body to absorb and gentler on your stomach to help...

(read more!)

How to Get a Life

If you want to get a life, you have to make it happen for yourself. It's not all that difficult to do, but it does require some action on your part. If you are looking for ways on how you can make your life more fun and exciting, follow these tips!

Step 1

One of the first things to do in order to get a life is to take action and do something interesting instead of the same old, boring routine. Therefore, get reacquainted with your friends and start doing activities together that are fun. There are a number of fun things to do with your friends like...

(read more!)


How to Prevent Debit Card Fraud

Cash is King

One of the best ways to prevent debit card fraud is to use cash when you make purchases. Of course in this day in age it's not always safe to carry wads of cash in your wallet or pocket, but it's equally not as safe to use your debit card for every transaction you make.

Despite what banks advertise on TV, it's very easy for a criminal to get a hold of your debit card and PIN number and commit bank identity theft. To prevent this from happening, carry small amounts of cash, preferably no more than $50, if you know or plan on making purchases when you are out and about.

Carry Checks
Yes believe it or not, people still use checks when they shop. If you plan on making purchases over $50, use checks instead of carrying large amounts of cash with you. You don't necessarily need to carry your entire checkbook, but 2-3 checks in your wallet will do.

Although debit cards are more convenient and popular to use, if want to protect yourself from banking fraud, but are
uncomfortable with the idea of walking around with a lot of cash, use checks.

Have a 2nd Debit Card Through a 2nd Checking Account
If it's simpler and more convenient for you to use a debit card instead of carrying cash or checks, then get a 2nd debit card through a 2nd checking account for your everyday purchases.

Believe me, there is nothing worse than having your entire mortgage or rent money stolen from your bank account due to debit card fraud.

It happened to me and it was a nightmare!

With your 2nd debit card, be sure to keep the money you use for your rent, mortgage, student loans, insurances, and monthly bills separate from the money you use for shopping, gas, restaurants, the movies and grocery store.

If you like, you can get a 2nd debit card and checking account through another bank. Otherwise, if you have two checking accounts with the same bank, make sure your 2nd debit card DOES NOT look like your primary or 1st debit card.

Get a different design for your 2nd debit card so you can easily recognize it from your 1st debit card. Also, be sure to keep less than $100 in your 2nd checking account and check your bank accounts on a regular basis.

That way if your 2nd debit card gets compromised and you become a victim of debit card fraud, the thieves will only get away with a little bit of your money. 

Don't or Minimize Using your Debit Card at ATM Machines
This includes the ATM machines at your bank. That's how my sister had money stolen from her. Just because you use your ATM card at your bank doesn't automatically protect you from bank card fraud.

Credit card thieves know all the tricks to get your debit card and PIN number so they can rob you. If you need cash, take the extra time to go inside your bank and see the teller.

Trust me, waiting 15-20 minutes on line is much less of a hassle than waiting a week for your bank to refund your money as a result of debit card fraud.

Never Use Your Debit PIN Number
Using your PIN number is the absolute worst thing you can do if you are trying to prevent debit card theft.

Just because you frequently shop at your local grocery store or gas station doesn't mean the employees there won't steal from you. Business employees can make a second copy of your receipt or program the card machine to capture your card information.

That includes your PIN number.

The next time you make a purchase and openly punch in your PIN number, take look above you at the cash register. See that hidden camera?

Anybody can be sitting in an office writing down your PIN number and easily making you a victim of identity theft.

If you must use a debit card to make purchases or to get cash from an ATM machine, cover your hand as you input your PIN number. However remember, thieves know how to capture your debit card information.

To be on the safe side, select "Credit" when making purchases, see your bank teller to get cash, or use your 2nd debit card!

Online Purchases
Does the bulk of credit card fraud or debit card fraud happen online?

Of course it does.

However, that shouldn't stop you from the convenience of shopping from home. Therefore, use your 2nd debit card and make sure you limit the amount of cash that's in your 2nd checking account.

You can also make online purchases using PayPal or Google Checkout, but just keep in mind that not all online stores will have these checkout options.

Lastly, when making purchases online, always be sure that the website has a security seal like VeriSign that will safeguard you from identity theft. 

More Tips
*If you get a 2nd debit card through a second checking account, make sure your two debit checking accounts are not linked together. You don't want to give thieves any opportunity to gain access to all your money and make you a victim of debit card fraud.

*Get into the habit of checking your debit card account on a regular basis. The longer it takes you to discover that you have been a victim of banking fraud, the harder it will be to claim identity theft to your bank.

*If you see that your debit card account has been compromised, call your bank immediately and report the incident. Be sure to say and to use the words "identity theft" to your bank representative.

*Not all credit cards will have the capability to monitor your charges online like with a online banking. If you are in this situation, make sure to go over your monthly statements for your credit card with a fine tooth comb.

If you see charges on your card that your didn't make, report credit card fraud immediately by calling customer service.